Newborn Baby Cries All Day No Matter What Parents Do, after a While They Check His Crib

Abby was sitting at the kitchen island with her head in her hands.

“Oh, honey,” her husband Walter said, his voice filled with concern as he walked into the kitchen. “How long has Logan been crying like that?”

“All day,” she wept, her voice trembling with exhaustion and frustration. “He’s been crying all day, and I’ve tried everything! His diaper is clean, he’s eaten, I’ve bathed him and burped him. I don’t know what to do anymore! Why won’t he stop crying?”

“We’ll go together and see if we can’t figure out what the little guy wants,” Walter said soothingly, gently taking Abby’s hand and leading her to the nursery.

As they approached the crib, Walter called out softly, “Hey, Logan, it sounds like you and Mama have been having a really bad day, little man. Maybe Daddy can figure out a way to help you both, huh?”

But as he got closer, Walter’s eyes widened in shock. “What on earth…?”

Abby looked up, confusion and panic flickering across her face. “What is it, Walter?”

Walter reached into the crib and pulled out a small device. “It’s a dictaphone,” he said, his voice a mix of bewilderment and anger. “It’s been playing the sound of a baby crying on repeat.”

Abby’s mouth dropped open. “A dictaphone? But who would do such a thing? And why?”

Walter frowned, looking around the nursery as if expecting to find answers hidden in the shadows. “I have no idea, but someone obviously wanted to make it seem like Logan was crying all day.”

Abby sank into the nursery rocking chair, her hands shaking. “But… but Logan was crying last night too. This can’t explain all of it.”

Walter sat beside her, placing the dictaphone on the changing table. “I know, honey. Something isn’t right here. We’ll get to the bottom of it. But first, let’s check on Logan.”

They found Logan sleeping peacefully in his bassinet in the living room, completely unaware of the chaos that had surrounded him. Abby sighed with relief, but her mind was still racing.

Walter stood up, determination in his eyes. “I’m going to check the house. Whoever did this might still be around, or there could be more clues.”

Abby nodded, her exhaustion giving way to a steely resolve. “I’ll stay with Logan. Please be careful.”

Walter searched the house methodically, checking every room and corner. As he entered the study, he noticed a small, slightly ajar drawer in the desk. Inside, he found a note written in a hurried scrawl:

“Consider this a warning. Leave now before things get worse.”

Walter’s heart pounded as he read the note. He rushed back to the nursery, where Abby was now gently rocking Logan, who had woken up and was cooing softly.

“Abby,” Walter said, his voice urgent but calm. “We need to leave. Now.”

Abby looked at him, fear and confusion in her eyes. “What did you find?”

He handed her the note, and she read it quickly, her face paling. “Who would do this to us? Why?”

“I don’t know,” Walter said, his mind racing. “But we can’t stay here and find out. Pack a bag for you and Logan. We’ll go to a hotel tonight and figure out our next steps from there.”

As they hurriedly packed their essentials, Walter called the police to report the incident. Within minutes, they were out the door, leaving the once-safe haven of their home behind.

As they drove away, Abby held Logan close, her mind reeling from the day’s events. Walter reached over and squeezed her hand. “We’ll get through this, Abby. We’ll find out who’s behind this and why. And we’ll make sure our family is safe.”

Abby nodded, taking strength from Walter’s resolve. “Together,” she whispered, kissing Logan’s forehead. “We’ll get through this together.”

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